Zahraa Mawel Rafea

Zahraa Mawel Rafea

Self Development Trainer at (“ Kun Nafsak”)
Director of the Infinity Company

Zahraa chose to join the family of the trainers of the “Be Yourself. Be happy“ Program after first joining the family as a trainee. Zahraa always had a passion for learning as she excelled in multiple sciences with no particular preference to a specific field, but always a love for research, knowledge, learning and discovery. This love is what lead her to follow the program and learn about different scholars she knew little about. She first noticed the scientific angle of the program only to discover later on how the program changed her thoughts and behaviors in real life. Thereafter, and without any prior awareness, she understood what she liked about the Japanese Art of flower arrangement that she had come to master more than two decades ago, and where she had learnt about the relationship of man to the earth and the sky. The integration and harmony principals that she practiced In Be Yourself revealed to her that her mission was to be this middle element that facilitates for others to experience harmony within themselves, namely between the earthly or human self and the spiritual or superior self. At this point, Zahraa was freed from seeing herself as a being whose talent is mainly confined in natural sciences such as mathematics, physics, chemistry and computer science to a person who appreciates psychology and behavioral sciences. These sciences were previously alienated from her by virtue of the idea that she is suitable for mathematics only and does not have a literary readiness. It is only then that she rediscovered herself and her true passion where she can contribute her actual experience in psychological and spiritual integration. Subsequently, Zahraa felt that her own experience wouldn’t be complete without giving more to others by working as a trainer who helps the trainees to rediscover themselves and recognize their true passion and practice it, so that their lives have a meaning and a greater goal in which they are freed from the images, patterns and molds they thought were for granted. Her mission is to open other seekers’ eyes to the fact that they are sometimes confining themselves to a narrow box and depriving their souls of the blessing of life in all of its diversity, difference, richness and unlimited giving. She feels that people often suffer from a hidden struggle between the requirements of the human self and what the soul seeks, which causes them anxiety, fear and turmoil, and deprives them of tasting the true meaning of happiness on this earth. With her continuing journey, new aspects are revealed to Zahraa everyday, which help her continue her spiritual journey on this earth, so she tastes happiness in its broadest sense, and this is reflected in her continued development and psychological and spiritual growth through her journey in the world of training.
Zahraa has high previous skills with excellent organizational ability to measure the performance of all the trainees who worked with them during the courses in Be Yourself for easy monitoring of their development during the program.
Providing support and assistance in many non-profit NGOs, such as: Seraphis, Animal Welfare Societies (MENAU - IFAW), Egyptian Society for Information Systems and Computer Technology. (Volunteer work) Consultant at the Human Building Foundation (voluntary work), member of the Human Awareness Society "Non-Transcendental Meditation"
This volunteer work strengthened the skills of communication, follow-up and dealing with others with a rich diversity of scientific and social background.


Devolopment By Ranin Saad